Upcoming Announcements and Activities
Recent Announcements
Southbound SR-36 Right Lane Closure at Pole Canyon Road
Construction on Southbound SR-36 Resumes
First Annual Health and Safety Fair
Construction alert!
Rocky Mountain Power Terminal Transmission Expansion Project Public Open Houses
Car Show- Lake Point Cemetery and Parks Service Area
Construction Project
*Shoulder work will be carried out at the corner of Canyon and Center to widen the shoulder on the South/West corner starting the week of July 1st.
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Construction alert!
As part of the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) SR-36 & I-80 Improved project, construction on southbound SR-36 between Sunset Road and Stansbury Parkway will begin as early as Monday, July 8, and will continue through spring 2025.This project will widen, improve, and resurface the road and intersections.
During construction, drivers can expect nightly lane closures Monday-Saturday and day work as needed. Drivers should use caution in the work zone and follow postage signage.
For more information, visit udotinput.utah.gov/sr36andi80improved. Questions? Contact the project team at 385-324-2122 or sr36andi80improved@utah.gov.

Construction Project
*The Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Project is located on State Route 201 at 3200 West. Crews will demolish the two bridge decks on SR-201 and replace them with new, smoother driving surfaces. Drivers should expect delays of more than 30 minutes on SR-201 during peak travel times.
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Construction alert!
3200 W. is scheduled to be closed to traffic under the SR-201 bridge during construction. Traffic on SR-201 will be detoured down and up the ramps in a free-flow condition with right-in/ right-out access at 3200 W. Construction is anticipated to start July 2024 and will take approximately six months to complete.
Drivers are encouraged to take I-80, I-215, Redwood Road, 3500 South, and other alternate routes to avoid delays.
This project will bring significant benefits to our community, including:
Enhanced Safety:
The new bridge decks will provide a safer driving experience.
Accelerated Timing:
The project is designed for efficient execution to minimize disruptions and complete the rehabilitation swiftly
Enhanced Safety:
The new bridge decks will provide a safer driving experience.
Accelerated Timing:
The project is designed for efficient execution to minimize disruptions and complete the rehabilitation swiftly